Man Charged with Theft of $427,000 from Elderly Nursing Home Resident

A 58-year-old Wisconsin man has been charged with elder abuse and tax fraud related to his alleged stealing of more than $427,000 from a 92-year-old resident of a nursing home.

The criminal complaint indicates that while acting as the victims’ power of attorney, the accused man forced the elderly man to move into a nursing home. After that, he allegedly took more than $427,00 from the victim’s bank accounts and used the money for making home improvements, to pay for bar tabs, eating at restaurants, and visits to casinos in places like Las Vegas. The complaint also indicates that the man sold multiple real estate properties, took possession of the victim’s home using a quit claim deed, and filed false and fraudulent federal tax returns for five years.

The charges are the result of a joint elder abuse and tax fraud investigation by the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) and Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR).

Compliance Perspective

Elderly nursing home residents may be victimized by allowing an unscrupulous person to hold their power of attorney and gain access to the elderly person’s bank accounts, personal possessions, and real estate properties for their own personal financial gain. A nursing home that suspects a resident’s power of attorney or responsible party may be misusing that power to commit elder abuse and exploitation should report the individual to the appropriate authorities for investigation.

Discussion Points:

  • Review policies and procedures regarding the facility’s responsibility and ways to help ensure that residents are not victimized by unscrupulous persons holding their power of attorney or designated as responsible parties.
  • Train staff to be aware of potential financial exploitation of residents by family members and/or responsible persons and how to report such suspicious criminal acts to their supervisor or through the facility’s Hotline.
  • Periodically provide information at Resident Council regarding the importance of ensuring the validity and trustworthiness of anyone being designated as a responsible party or having power of attorney with control of residents’ personal financial assets.