Resident Elopes from Facility, Then Assaults Police Officer

Resident Elopes from Facility, Then Assaults Police Officer

A resident was admitted for short-term rehabilitation related to a fractured femur. He had a history of past suicide attempts and ideation and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, depression, mood disorder, and Parkinson’s Disease. Although he exhibited difficult behaviors, staff were able to manage them well until one afternoon a month later when the resident wheeled himself out the facility’s front door and along the sidewalk of a house next door. He was seen by staff who returned him without incident to the facility.

About 10 minutes later, the resident became belligerent and tried to strike and kick staff. He threatened to kill himself and asked that the police be called. He was being monitored 1:1 when the police officer arrived. As the officer approached, he was assaulted by the resident, who was then subdued by staff and the police officer. He was ultimately transferred to a hospital with a psychiatric unit for observation. Just before the incident, the resident had gotten out of bed. He had no recent changes in his medication. He recently started weight bearing as tolerated at therapy and was looking forward to returning to the group home where he resided before the fracture occurred.

If the resident returns to the facility from his hospital stay, staff plan to appropriately relocate him from the short-term unit that has no door alarm to a unit with a Wander Guard alarm system for his safety. The social worker will contact the group home to determine what level of care he must attain in order to return there, and a planned discharge will be developed. The resident’s care plan will be reviewed and modified as needed regarding any indicated changes. The short-term rehabilitation unit door will have a Wander Guard alarm system installed as soon as that can be arranged. The receptionists were provided with education about their need for awareness of residents in the lobby and watching for potential elopement by residents.